Version 1.1

Released on: November 2, 2022

Additional device support: ethOS is upgraded as a fork of Lineage 19.1. Builds for the Pixel5a, Pixel3, and Pixel3XL phones are available.

Helios light client: Following the Ethereum Merge to Proof-of-Stake, the Geth light client was deprecated. The Helios light client, which utilizes less resources, and works with the PoS Ethereum network, replaces the Geth client.

System wallet: A system-level Ethereum wallet is included in ethOS. Installed apps can communicate with this wallet directly. The system wallet communicates to Ethereum via the onboard Helios light client.

XMTP/SMS app: The XMTP Protocol is added to the native SMS messenger app. XMTP is a decentralized messaging service that utilizes Ethereum.

ENS integration: ENS domains can be added to the ethOS Contacts application. The XMTP messaging app can send messages to .eth addresses utilizing ENS Contacts data.

ethOS generative wallpaper: ethOS features an ethOS Logo Generative Wallpaper application in the Display Settings.

Minor release notes and bug fixes posted here. For a list of larger version releases, please visit